Bike Messenger, Cyclehawk, Same Day Delivery NYC

Hellgate NYC Article

September 14, 2024

Got interviewed for a HellGate NYC Article about NYC Messengers:

For Cyclehawk, two of their main clients are the modeling agencies Elite Models

and New York Model Management, and this week was great for business.

Bolger remembers a time where there were almost 30,000 messengers

working the streets , but says now that number is much lower due to app – 

companies and digitization. 

Newer cohorts of cycling workers-now delivering mostly food—

have grown instead. but, because of things like Fashion week, there will always be a need.

“We’re still in New York City, and there’s still physical things that can’t be emailed and people still 

need something done yesterday, said Bolger, who as of three years ago works full time as a Sanitation 

worker for DSNY, while still running Cyclehawk. 

I always joke with my friends, we’re kind of like vinyl records. People don’t really need us, 

but we’re kind of cool and certain people can’t live without us.

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